Saturday, September 11, 2010

1st night alone in 6 years

So, here it is, Saturday night. Hubby is shooting trap like he usually does on Saturday nights. Needed to work but I haven't worked a Saturday in forever and wasn't that crazy about it tonight either. Barb has been asking Tanner to spend the night with her for about a week, but since I haven't been working much I didn't really want him to because I figure I ask her enough to watch him, and also when I am home, I just really want him home with me. But I have been a little moody today, and I think Barb could tell that I needed a little break. So anyway, he is there and I am here alone. :-(  And unless I am mistaken, this is the first time he has spent the night with someone, and me not be at work. I could be wrong, but I don't remember. Usually I would take advantage of having a sitter and work.

Also, something else to write about, it is Sept 11. 9 years after that fateful day. I watched several hours of footage this morning, they were playing live footage from that day. 9 years later and I still shake my head in disbelief. I actually recorded some shows today about it, and the history channel is running something right now, that I plan on watching when I go to bed. So so sad.

One more thing, this is my first blog.......

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