Sunday, September 12, 2010

Quiet, wonderful breezy Sunday all alone

eating breakfast at Aunt Barb's
Well, I survived last night without my Tanner.  Realized that my world doesn't stop just because he isn't here with me, and that actually it is nice to have some alone time. I know, I know, he goes to school Mon-Fri. But alot of those days I am either sleeping because I worked the night before or I may have errands to run. So, after not having Tanner all night, I go to church alone this morning. When I got home, I got lots of lovin' from my sweet boy. Then Daddy decides he wants to go fishing, so off they go fishing.
about to go for a walk last night

I had such a wonderful time at church this morning I am really looking forward to going back again tonight. Don't know if Tanner will be back in time to go with me. I hate that I am not going to get to spend hardly any time with him today and he has school tomorrow and I work tomorrow night. :-(

Reading in book in bed a few nights ago

But I know he is having fun with his daddy today. Hopefully catching lots of fish and toads.

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