Monday, September 20, 2010

Fun Fall Weekend

We had a great weekend. Well, Tanner and I did, that is.

Friday I went to my niece Brittany's baby shower. Went alone, got home and Tanner was asleep on the couch. :-(  He didn't wait up for me.

So, Saturday, stepsister Ann came up with her kids. Dylan is 4 and he and Tanner sure look forward to seeing each other. She invited Tanner to come and spend the night this Friday. I work at the hospital so that is going to work out great that night.

Later that evening, we went to the hospital Fall Festival. Geez Louise, Tanner had such a great time.

He even got to go swimming in the indoor swimming pool, mid September. YAY

And last but not least, we stayed for the outdoor movie, Marmaduke. Sitting on the cold ground, with no blanket or anything. Whew, it was sure chilly. Tanner sat on his towel, with his legs pulled up in his shirt. He told me to do the same, when I told him I was freezing. LOL, wasn't gonna happen.

It really was a great night.

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