Monday, September 20, 2010

Fun Fall Weekend

We had a great weekend. Well, Tanner and I did, that is.

Friday I went to my niece Brittany's baby shower. Went alone, got home and Tanner was asleep on the couch. :-(  He didn't wait up for me.

So, Saturday, stepsister Ann came up with her kids. Dylan is 4 and he and Tanner sure look forward to seeing each other. She invited Tanner to come and spend the night this Friday. I work at the hospital so that is going to work out great that night.

Later that evening, we went to the hospital Fall Festival. Geez Louise, Tanner had such a great time.

He even got to go swimming in the indoor swimming pool, mid September. YAY

And last but not least, we stayed for the outdoor movie, Marmaduke. Sitting on the cold ground, with no blanket or anything. Whew, it was sure chilly. Tanner sat on his towel, with his legs pulled up in his shirt. He told me to do the same, when I told him I was freezing. LOL, wasn't gonna happen.

It really was a great night.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Quiet, wonderful breezy Sunday all alone

eating breakfast at Aunt Barb's
Well, I survived last night without my Tanner.  Realized that my world doesn't stop just because he isn't here with me, and that actually it is nice to have some alone time. I know, I know, he goes to school Mon-Fri. But alot of those days I am either sleeping because I worked the night before or I may have errands to run. So, after not having Tanner all night, I go to church alone this morning. When I got home, I got lots of lovin' from my sweet boy. Then Daddy decides he wants to go fishing, so off they go fishing.
about to go for a walk last night

I had such a wonderful time at church this morning I am really looking forward to going back again tonight. Don't know if Tanner will be back in time to go with me. I hate that I am not going to get to spend hardly any time with him today and he has school tomorrow and I work tomorrow night. :-(

Reading in book in bed a few nights ago

But I know he is having fun with his daddy today. Hopefully catching lots of fish and toads.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

1st night alone in 6 years

So, here it is, Saturday night. Hubby is shooting trap like he usually does on Saturday nights. Needed to work but I haven't worked a Saturday in forever and wasn't that crazy about it tonight either. Barb has been asking Tanner to spend the night with her for about a week, but since I haven't been working much I didn't really want him to because I figure I ask her enough to watch him, and also when I am home, I just really want him home with me. But I have been a little moody today, and I think Barb could tell that I needed a little break. So anyway, he is there and I am here alone. :-(  And unless I am mistaken, this is the first time he has spent the night with someone, and me not be at work. I could be wrong, but I don't remember. Usually I would take advantage of having a sitter and work.

Also, something else to write about, it is Sept 11. 9 years after that fateful day. I watched several hours of footage this morning, they were playing live footage from that day. 9 years later and I still shake my head in disbelief. I actually recorded some shows today about it, and the history channel is running something right now, that I plan on watching when I go to bed. So so sad.

One more thing, this is my first blog.......